About Gusano Barrenador del Ganado
Todo lo que debes saber sobre el gusano barrenador del ganado
About Gusano Barrenador del Ganado
Everything you need to know about the screwworm
Life Cycle of the Fly
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- Three days after emerging, female flies begin to mate and can lay eggs as soon as 2 days after mating.
- Adult female flies can live over 30 days in the field under ideal conditions.
- The life cycle of the screwworm is about 21 days in favorable environments.

- Eggs are laid on or near an open wound or bodily orifice of a warms-blooded animal. A wound can be as small as a tick bite.
- On average, a female lays 200-300 eggs in a single egg mass or the egg mass may be split between several locations. Screwworms only lay their eggs on living animals.

- The eggs hatch into larvae after 10-12 hours.
- The larvae are of a clear color and burrow into the wound to feed, causing further damage to the host.
- After feeding for about a week on the wound, the larvae fall off and burrow (about 2.54 – 5.08 cm deep) in the soil to pupate.

- In the tropics, the incubation period is typically of 7 – 10 days.
- The pupae can live in the soil for several months if the temperature is cooler.
- Male flies typically emerge first.